God moves in his own timing, not yours.  God is never late, but he is usually not early either.  He is often, the God of the midnight hour.  He sometimes waits until the last second before he gives you what you need.  Before he intervenes on your behalf, He has to be sure that you are not going to take matters into your own hands, and do something out of his perfect timing.

You must learn to trust God’s timing.  But first your self-will and your self-spirit of independence must be broken so that God is free to work His own will in your life and circumstances.  If you are waiting for something, set aside your own timetable tonight.  Trust God and believe that while you are waiting for your breakthrough, He is doing a good work in you for His purpose.  Remember this; “When you are down to nothing, realize that God is up to something.”  Also, one thing I love about God is, “He’ll bring you out of situations that you got yourself into, and he won’t even hold it against you.”

Quote; “It’s very motivating to know that God has your name… and not just “on file.”  He also has your phone number. In 1990 I spoke with Ken Gaub, now 66, a pastor who was once on vacation in a motor home.  He and his family stopped for food on Route 741 south of Dayton, Ohio, and he took a short walk to get a Coke, and stretch his legs.  Strolling past a Gas Station, he noticed a phone ringing incessantly in a phone booth in front of the station.  Out of curiosity, he answered it.  The operator said, “Long distance call for Ken Gaub.” Ken almost choked on a chunk of ice from the Coke.  The call was from Millie in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, a woman who had heard him speak on TV.  Sobbing profusely, she told Ken that she felt he was the only one in the world who could help her.  She was writing a suicide note when God gave her the phone booths phone number.”  You can read the rest of the story in ‘God’s got your Number’ (Green Forest, AR: New Leaf Press, 1998) {Mega Shift by James Rutz P54}

For those who may think that they have gone so far into sin and degradation, that they are so destroyed, that they are now just less than ‘dust and ashes,’ but when one does repent with ‘dust and ashes,’ Jesus can make wonderful things, for back at Creation Jesus got down on his knees in the ‘dust and ashes,’ and made Adam and Eve, he is still able to do amazing things for you and in you, just listen to this story.  Quote; Billy Joe’s Impossible Announcement: “My name is Billy Joe Waldencroft (name changed to protect them) and many of you know me by now.  Until I was 20, I was homosexual.  But by that point, the lifestyle got to be pretty sad for me.  And Lonely.  The only person in the world I felt I could talk to was my uncle Rod, who was a Christian.  Unfortunately, he’d been paralyzed by a stroke and was slowly and painfully dying. But for two years, every time I went to see him, he just radiated the presence of God.  And he’d always tell me about Christ and the great plans God had for me.  Well about 18 months ago, he convinced me to start meeting your downtown group on Sunday mornings.  Of course, they all accepted me with open arms.  And yet there was such an atmosphere of purity and strength that I felt really weak and corrupt.  So inside of a month, I confessed my sins and turned to Christ… and he totally turned my head around – my emotions, my thinking, my desires, my everything.

Just after that, I started coming here to your joint meetings every third Saturday.  And so did Diane.  Now if I was a mess, she was a triple mess – a lesbian prostitute, with alcohol and drug problems.  A hard, tough woman.  But God totally cleaned her out and softened her up.  By the time I met her here, she was a changed lady, she really was!  I’d never felt drawn to a woman before, but Diane was special.  When we got married a year ago, I knew I was the luckiest guy in the world.  We had to be the match of the century, right?  What a pair!  Now, I come from a big family, and I’ve always liked kids.  But Diane made it clear that she’d never used any precautions on the street, and she was as sterile as a rock.  Still, I loved her, so we just planned to adopt.  But I’m standing here tonight to – his voice begins to choke up – to show you the power of God.  Brothers and Sisters, tonight is… the proudest moment of my life.  I want to present to you my beautiful loving, saintly wife Diane … and our new baby girl, Sarah Marie Waldencroft!

The Gym explodes with a roof-rattling roar as the crowd bolts to its feet, screaming with joy.  A thousand pairs of eyes turn to a woman in a bright yellow dress holding a little bundle of pink as she strides towards the platform, head held high and streams of tears coursing down her face.  The clapping and cheers last over a minute until they are drowned out by a lilting chorus set to the tune of “Mockingbird Hill.”  “O God of surprises! Miraculous King! For this gift we praise you, we gratefully sing! We bless you, we thank you, for presents that last, O God of the future! O God of the past!” {Mega Shift by James Rutz P194-195}Are you worse than these cases, well remember this, “God can save from the uttermost to the gutter-most.”  God’s timing is always perfect, his compassion, tender mercies, his everything, God is absolute perfection in every way, so whether you are ‘Uttermost’ or ‘Gutter-Most,’ take the “God Challenge,” come to God, confess and repent, cling to him tightly for the wildest, most amazing ride of your life, amazing things happening all the time, and stretching from now, way out into Eternity, but trust, trust God, but most of all, wait on God, and experience for yourself, “God’s Perfect Timing.”